Halo: Reach at E3

  • Links to videos all over the place
  • Twitter Picture Dump now added
  • The behind-closed-doors hands on demonstrations are now underway.
  • Conference is now concluded, the Campaign tailer and walk through have been released.
  • There was some speculation regarding a pre-E3 GTTV episode that would feature something new from Halo: Reach tonight, 11th of June. However, this has now been denied.
Bungie have unveiled a new level at this year’s E3. The level begins as a Falcon sets down Noble Team outside a huge facility. The team make their way to the building across a vast beach as Covenant troops fall out of the sky and race across the beach to stop them. At the end, we see Noble Six blast off into the high atmosphere as he takes the battle to the Covenant in orbit above Reach.

Pre-E3, Post- Beta Information

The Mayish Post-Beta Bungie Podcast
“Lukems bails, leaving Sketch and Urk in the lurch with designers Christoper P. Carney, Josh Hamrick, and Bungie.net Ultra Overlord, Chris Gossett. Talkin’ ’bout all the Halo: Reach Beta Postgame Carnage.” 

Bungie Weekly Update 11/06/10
“Urk takes a look a bug the hunting phase of Reach’s development and teases Reach’s E3 showing”

Bungie Weekly Update 04/06/10
“Sketch’s mighty fine Weekly Update looks at some of the improvements made to Reach as development marches on and E3 approaches”

List of changes from the Beta as of 08/06/10
Ghaleon lists all the latest known changes to Reach’s sandbox – the weapons, vehicles and more


(Information shamelessly stolen from Ghaleon.)

Game types

  • Standard“It’s a one-set match that’s designed to be shorter and more casual. Pop in, pop out, go eat a steak.”
  • Generator DefenceThe gametype from the Reach Beta, but the Covenant are trying to destroy generators.
  • Rocket Fight“This mode is just you, your buddies, armor abilities, and an infinite supply of rockets..”

Weapons and Armor Ability

  • Target Locator | “Use it to paint targets, and you’ll be rewarded by a bombardment by an orbiting fleet.”
  • Concussion Rifle | “It fires explosive plasma rounds”
  • Drop Shield | Halo 3’s Bubble Shield, but it also regenerates health of those inside – and it can only take so much damage before being destroyed.


  • Waterfront
  • Beachhead

Custom Options

  • Custom Skulls | Create up to three concurrent custom skulls, one for each category of attributes.
  • Spartan Traits | Halo 3’s player traits, expanded. Movement speed, shield and health strength, radar, etc.
  • Wave Traits | Change how the AI behave in each wave: Vision, hearing, how often they shoot (“shootiness”), health, weapon damage modifiers, etc.
  • Wave Properties | Set the number of Waves, and customize each: the number and type of each enemy, which skulls activate each round, whether drop ships are enabled or not, etc.
  • Load Outs | Establish the composition of the Load Outs in each Wave (weapons, armor abilities, grenades).




E3 Press Articles

Kotaku | Watching Urk Demo the Campaign and Firefight
Kotaku, late to the party, churns out some thoughts after watching someone else play Reach. Nail-biting stuff with insightful analysis and fantastic reporting!

Talk Xbox Firefight Highlights
A summary (and video) of the main features of Halo: Reach’s Firefight mode.

VideoGamer.com | Halo Reach Interview with Joe Tung and Eric Osborne
A revealing interview detailing the absence of Master Chief, the amount of cut features for Reach (none!) and more Urk than you can shake a sausage at!

Gamespot | Hands on Firefight
Gamespots thoughts after getting their hands dirty with the newly revealed Firefight mode.

Gamespot | Halo: Reach First Impressions
Gamepot initial impressions of the Halo: Reach Campaign demo level.

IGN | Firefight’s Five Biggest Changes
A look at the changes made to Firefight as it makes the move from ODST to Reach.

IGN | Firefight in Halo: Reach – Bigger & Better
IGN takes at look at the newly revealed Firefight mode for Halo: Reach. The wide-ranging customisation options certainly impress!

IGN’s first look at Halo: Reach at E3 this year. Reveal the E3’s Campaign demo level’s name, “Long Night of the Solace”, Grunt executions and new Covenant weapon, the Concussion Rifle.

VG247 | Interview Lars Bakken
An Interview with Halo: Reach’s Lead Design fresh after Bungie’s Firefight reveal. Lars confirms that space combat will be restricted to the Campaign.

Popular Mechanics | Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peak of Halo: Reach
A look at Halo: Reach’s Campaign demo, Firefight and epic space battles.

E3 Community Articles

Tied The Leader’s stabmasterarson’s E3 Halo: Reach Impressions
Lucky HaloGAFer Voltron64 attended Bungie’s behind-closed-doors Halo: Reach demonstration. He puts down some fine words and throws some picture up too including a stunning glimpse at the current main menu.

Lucky HBO forum member mnemesis attended Bungie’s behind-closed-doors Halo: Reach demonstration. He provides us with his impressions of the Halo: Reach demo, Firefight and Spartan booze.

Lucky HaloGAFer Voltron64 attended Bungie’s behind-closed-doors Halo: Reach demonstration. He kindly provides hands on impressions of Reach’s revamped Firefight and some of the new hotness.


  1. b0anerges
    June 10, 2010

    Forge was confirmed in the latest Bungie podcast…just FYI.

  2. Samuel
    June 11, 2010

    Forge for multi-player was confirmed in the latest podcast.

  3. TankorSmash
    June 11, 2010

    I’m not sure where I read it, but fairly sure it was on b.net and the quote was something like halo reach will have full feature parity with halo 3.

  4. OnscreenLoki
    June 11, 2010

    Actually, Forge is confirmed in the mentioned podcast.

  5. mirel
    June 11, 2010

    Bungie has mentioned Forge before.. I’m certain of that.

  6. June 11, 2010

    I’m aware of the Fore mention folks. But we still need “official” confirmation. I think the April Fools vidoc was the first confirmation of Forge though, showing the monitor and what looked like a new area/level.

    We’re almost there folks, can’t wait.

  7. Alex
    June 11, 2010

    Forge was actually first mentioned in the february 2010 Game Informer.

  8. Larsirius
    June 13, 2010

    Technically, Bungie Podcast is official confirmation good as any.

  9. Jase Dakota
    June 16, 2010

    From Major Nelson’s Twitter, ”
    At a Halo Reach event playing Firefight 2.0. It’s a worthy upgrade.”

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