Halo 4: Something Mjinor

Something bugged me about the Halo4 reveal. I was expecting change and we certainly got that but the trailer looked a bit “off” and I couldn’t exactly pin down why I thought t was.

I started taking a few screen captures and watching the teaser trailer again.  After messing around in Photoshop, it hit me. The hue and saturation seems didn’t seem right and by changing around some of these values it made, to me, a world of difference.

This isn’t really a fair criticism of the trailer nor is it meant to be. There is a whole bunch of crazy happening on board the Forward Unto Dawn with explosions rocking the ship and the mysterious planetoid is shining a powerful light upon the ship throwing the colours into different shades. It is also a CGI teaser and not indicative of the actual look of the final game at least in terms of colours. The character artwork released alongside the footage is more along the lines of what I was expecting, so I wouldn’t be worried about the final game either.


The original capture


Changed colour hue and saturation


The original capture


Changed colour hue and saturation

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