Happy 343rd Day of the Year!

Didn’t you know that today is unofficially 343 Day? You now know it is!

As we approach the end of the year things tend to get a little bit slow on the article front. Don’t worry, we have a bunch of paragraphs soon to be slapped across your eyeballs and you won’t have to wait long for some delightful word porn.

This weekend we’ve just finished recording two more podcast sessions one of which you’ll most likely have a chance to hear before the years out and another in the new year.

And since today is a special day, let us help you celebrate. Simply leave a comment at the end of this post and the first ten folks will receive either a Male or Female 343 Avatar T-shirt for their Live Avatar, courtesy of the ever wonderful bs angel and the nice folks at Halo Waypoint.

Don’t forget to leave an email address so we can send out the codes!!

So go, get some free stuff. We’ll see you online for some celebrations!


  1. StalkerUKCG
    December 9, 2011

    Woot 343i

    • December 9, 2011

      Need an email address to sen the code to, or maybe you want a GAF PM instead?

      • StalkerUKCG
        December 9, 2011

        Pm me

  2. Flipyap
    December 9, 2011

    Feet, don’t fail me now!

  3. December 9, 2011

    Right, you three are GAFers, so I’ll pm you all over GAF. =)

  4. Iztari
    December 9, 2011

    Awesome to hear there will be more podcasts!

    • December 9, 2011

      Dude, you need to give me an email address so I can send the code!

      • Iztari
        December 12, 2011

        I included in the “Mail (will not be published) (required)” section but just in case it’s iztari at googlemail dot com

  5. Overdoziz
    December 9, 2011

    LurkerGAF represent.

  6. Blue Ninja
    December 9, 2011

    Hi GAF.

    • December 9, 2011

      Excited about the gift … more excited about the upcoming Podcasts!

  7. omfgbbq.kittens
    December 9, 2011

    I’m not sure what’s going on, but: woot.

  8. leonfaria
    December 9, 2011

    Im a GAFer send me a code please, my username is leonfaria04

  9. XxXxKroniiKxXxX
    December 10, 2011

    Woot woot! 343 rocks!

  10. Anthony Feiner
    December 15, 2011

    Will the third installment of the data pads from Halo: Reach be one of these “paragraphs soon to be slapped across your eyeballs”?

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